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Dog painting on commission
Tucker's Portrait

I loved painting Tucker! It’s a cool dog I portrayed on commission for Carole! Want to order a pet portrait? Visit this page or contact me, attaching some photos.

Project Details

Date of Creation: November 2022
Medium: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 8 x 8 inches

Comments (2)

  1. Oh! Roberto!… I received the paintings of Tucker and Joe yesterday and I must say that they are beyond fabulous!!! What a talent you have, my friend! Tucker will be presented to my son at Christmas. And my friend, who is Joe’s owner, was here yesterday and when he saw the painting he exclaimed, “JOE!” And then he was speechless. He just kept looking at it. Wish you could have seen his face.
    I can’t thank you enough, my friend. I wish we weren’t an ocean apart so I could give you a big hug. It’s been such a pleasure corresponding with you. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.

    Thanks again, Roberto
    Hugs from me to you!


  2. Dear Carole,
    can’t find the words to thank you enough for your PRECIOUS words.
    I am so satisfied to know that my paintings made you happy, this is the greatest gratification for me.

    Huge hugsfrom me and Merry Christmas to you and your beloved ones,

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